AU Attains Investors in People Silver Accreditation

AU Attains Investors in People Silver Accreditation

The Australian University (AU) is proud to announce its receipt of the Silver Accreditation from Investors in People, recognizing the university’s continuous dedication to international standards in human resources practices and development. 

Investors in People sets the global standard for effective people management, defining what it essential elements to lead, support, and manage people effectively to achieve sustainable results. Underpinning the standard is the Investors in People framework, reflecting the latest workplace trends, essential skills and effective structures required to outperform in any industry. Investors in People enables organizations to benchmark against the best in the business on an international scale. 

AU received the accreditation due to its commitment towards providing a career nourishing experience for its staff members where career paths are clearly defined, staff recognition and engagement initiatives are utmost and professional development opportunities are identified and implemented. AU works to attain excellence in its HR operations which will in turn aid in producing knowledgeable, competent, and well-rounded graduates for Kuwait’s expanding economy. 

Commenting on the accreditation, Mr. Paul Devoy, CEO of Investors in People, said: “We’d like to congratulate Australian University, Kuwait on receiving the silver accreditation. Invest in people is a remarkable effort for any organization, and places Australian University in fine company with a host of organizations that understand the value of people.” 

Ms. Dalal Dawwas, Senior Manager of Employee Relations at AU, also stated: “We are celebrating a major milestone: earning “We Invest in People” Silver Accreditation! We are incredibly proud of our commitment to employee development, and we are grateful for the acknowledgment from Investors in People. 

Furthermore, Ms. Sondos Al-Haddad, Senior Manager of Human Resources at AU, commented: “We would like to thank our team who contributed to this excellent result which demonstrates commitment to provide the best service for our staff members”.  

AU President Professor Isam Zabalawi acknowledged the achievement, stating: “This is an excellent benchmark for the Australian University (AU) to achieve higher standards in people management practices”. AU remains committed to fostering an environment that values and invests in its people.